Coin will be usually partly difficult material, usually metal or metallic material, usually in the form of disk, and most frequently after it is given out by government. Coins are used as the form of den'g in trudyakh of different it is specific, from the daily coins circulation to the storage of an more extensive quantity of vesovayaa coin. In the present day, the coins and banknotes make upward the forms of the available money of all most modern systems of den'g. Coins made for the circulation (generals monetized benefit) are usually used for it is low -.oqenennyx blocks, and banknotes for the higher values; also, in majorities the systems of den'g, the highest coin of value worth than note it is low -.znaceni4. The nominal cost of coins circulation is usually more high how valovayaa the cost of the metal of that utilized in to make them, but this not will be no longer generally by the case with historical coins circulation made dragotsennya metals. For example, historical eagle (coin of the United States) contained the Troy ounce of gold and has nominal cost only 10 US dollars, but tovarnayaa the cost of coin, proper for its content of metal, there will be now many times of nominal'nayaa sum. Exception to the rules of the sides -.znaceni4 of coin are more high than the contained value; also occur for the certain non-monetized "vesovayaa coin" made silvers or gold (and, it is rare, other metals, such as platinum or palladium), designed for the collectors or the depositors into dragotsennya metals. For examples of the most modern coins of gold collector/investor, mint of the United States the American mints of eagle, Canada gold the Canadian mints of leaves, and southern of Africa the maple of gold Krugerrand. The American eagle of gold has the nominal cost USS50, and the Canadian coins of leaves of the maple of gold also have regular (nominal costs purely symbolic) (for example, 50 for 1 ounce.); but Krugerrand it does not make. Coins by length were connected to the schematic diagram of den'g, as reflected by fact which in other languages of word "stamp" and by "currency" you be synonymous. Fictional currency they can also bring the named coin (as such, detail it can be said, that be worth of 123 coins or 123 coins). In terms of its value as the detail of collection, coin is generally made more or more by less valuable its by state, specifically historic importance, rarity, quality/beauty construction and generally by popularity with collections. If coin it is large it needs any of these, then is highly improbable be worth very. Vesovayaa coin are also evaluated after they they are based on these factors, but are large they are evaluated after they they are based on the value of gold or silver in them. Sometimes non-monetized vesovayaa coin such as Canadian leaves of maple and the American eagle of gold minted with the regular nominal costs than by the value of metal in them, but in proportion to such coins is never intended for the circulation, the numbers of value thse not it will be the value of the market not for Fiat, and it is more never than symbolic numbers. Majorities coins are at present made from osnovnoya metal, and their value comes from their state as nerazmennya bank notes. This will intend that the value of coin decreed by the Fiat of government (law), and by such means caused of svobodnyya market only in proportion to national currencies they undergo to apbitrazhu into mezhdunarodnayaa trade. This causes such coins to be monetary tokens in the same feeling that of the rotation of the paper monetary terms, when the rotation of paper monetary terms it is not supported immediately by metal, but it is sufficient by the guarantee of the government of the international exchange of goods or maintenance. Some proposed that such coins to be examined, that they were "truly coins" (see below). However, because nerazmennya bank notes is supported by the guarantee of the government of certain quantity goods and the service, where the value of this is in turn caused by the tariffs of valyutnayaa the exchange of svobodnyya the market, similar to argument for menovayaa the cost of mezhdunarodnyya market which causes the value of metals of which rear of goods in the role of money, in practice will there be the very small in practice economic difference between 2 types of den'g (types of currencies). Coins can be minted they have values of Fiat lower than the value of their component metals, but this is never done prednamerenno and initially for the coins circulation, and it occurs only in the proper course more late in the history of the production of the coin of proper to the inflation, in proportion to tovarnayaa cost for the metal they overtake that declared by Fiat the nominal cost of coin. Examples of this phenomenon vklyuayut dime pre-1964 THE USA, fourth, half dollar, and dollar, nickel OF THE USA, and pennio pre-1982 OF THE USA. As a result of an increase in the value of copper, the United States it is large they decreased a quantity of copper in each penniye. With mid-1982, pennia of the United States are made from zinc of 97.5% pokrynnogo with copper 2.5%. Very the difference between the values of Fiat and the values of the metal of coins causes coins to be extracted from market illicit smelters by those interested in the value of their content of metal. In actuality, the mint of the United States, in anticipation of this practice, supplied new time interval governs to 14 - GO of December, 2006, subject to public commentary on 30 days, which criminalize to melt the export of penny and ] violators nickels.[1 can be punished with penalty up to $10.000 and/or to conclude into tur'mu for the maximum of 5 years. Question of the coin of peace by the first length and still debated. Among numismatists auto is widely verified that Lydians the beginning of the coin of peace the first, although some argue that coin, is which they arose in China or that karshapana India was coin.[2][3 peace the first ] one previous coin from Caria, minor of Asia, vklyuayet legend ", I will be which badge Phanes," however large part from the previous parts of Lydian has no writing on their, valid symbolic animals. Therefore to date these coins it is proposed mainly on the archaelogical proof, with auto is general the proof cited coming from the excavations on also caused temple Artemis on Ephesos, Ephesian Artemision (which more late would evolve into one of 7 interests of antichnyya peace). Many previous coins Lydian were undoubtedly struck (prepared) under the authority of private individuals and thus are more akin to tokens than truly coins; however, because of their numbers, it ochevidn that some were which official questions of position, with the king Alyattes Lydia chaseye the mentioned initiator of coinage. Throughout history, there were znany, that create the governments of more coinage than their delivery of dragotsennya the metals it would make it possible by way to substitute t' a certain part of the content of dragotsennya the metals of coin from osnovnoya metal (frequently copper or nickel), there was reduced intrinsic value of each individual coin (by such means of "unizhayushch" of their den'g), pozvolyayushch stamping authority to produce more coins how otherwise was as far as possible. Debasement sometimes occurs in order to make a coin more difficult and therefore more less than veroyatn to be nesennym downward as rapidly. Debasement den'g it almost always conducts to price inflation if we the regulation of prices also do not found governing authority, in which case of chernyya market will frequently appear. The United States are unusual in that they only nebol'sh they finished their system of the coinage (with exception of images and symbols on the coins, which changed several times) in order to adapt 2 centuries of inflation. The coin of odn-.tsenta changes few from 1864 (although its composition was changed into 1982 in order to extract actually all copper from the coin) and still it remains in the circulation, in spite of is large reduced pokupatel'nayaa ability. At other end of the spectrum, the largest coin in the overall circulation of 25 cents, low value for the coin of krupnayaa the note of that compared to other countries. Recent increases in the prices of copper, nickel, and zinc, will intend that also USA one and the coin of shch-.tsenta now worth are more for their raw content of metal than their value of side (Fiat). In particular, the copper parts of odn-.tsenta (those dated to 1982 and coins certain y982-.dated) now contain cost of approximately 2 cents of copper. Some denominations ensuring the circulation of coins they were byvsh minted in United States no longer not made. These vklyuayut coins with the nominal cost of half cent, 2 cents, 3 cents, 20 cents, 2 dollars even 50 cents, 3 dollars, 5 dollars, 10 dollars, and 20 dollars. In addition, cents were initial nebol'sh to bol'shle than most modern fourth and, it was which they weigh closely half ounce, until 5 coins of cent are more small how dime and are done from the silver alloy. Dollars were also much to bol'shle and, it was which they weigh approximately ounce. The coins of half dollar and one dollar are still produced but it is rare they are used. THE USA also has billion and commemorative coins with following by the denominations: 50ў, $1, $5, $10, $25, $50, and $100. To filirovat', or reeded, edge still obtained on many coins (always those which once were made gold or silver, even if so now) were initially konstruirovany in order to show that any of the valuable metal they were shaved from the coin. To the benefit filirovannykh it is boundary, ensuring the circulation of the coin it is general, it is which they suffer from "to shave", to which unscrupulous people would shave a small quantity of dragotsennya metals from the edge. There were znany, that were shaved unmilled British sterling serebryanayaa coin to almost half their minted weight. This form debasement in Tudor England led to the formation of the law Of greshama. Monarch periodically to recall to ensure the circulation of coin, paying only value of billions of silvers, and Re -.m4ty they. It is traditional, the side of coin bearing bust monarch either another authority or natsional'nayaa emblem, they are caused obverse, or razgovornoo-narodn, head. Other side is caused reverse, or razgovornoo-narodn, cables. However, rule disrupted by in some cases. [ 2 ] another rule that side bearing yr minting will be obverse, although a certain Chinese stamps, the majorities of the coin of chanadetsa, the British coin 20p, and all coins of Japanese, they will be exception. Orientation obverse with respect to the reverse distinguishes between the countries. Some coins have an orientation of the coin, where the coin necessarily flipped is vertical in order to see other side,; other coins, such as British coins, have medallic an orientation, where the coin is necessary flipped horizontally in order to see other side. Exergue there will be space on the coin under mainly the construction, frequently utilized in order to show the date of coin, although to it sometimes leaves the gap either to contain mint marks, privy marker, or the certain other decorative or informative characteristic of construction. Many coins do not have exergue on all, and they most general on the coins with little or no by legends such as pennio of bun Victorian. Coins are popularly used in proportion to type two-sided of screw die; in order to select between 2 versions with by chance the possibility, one selection will be designated by the "heads" and other "cables," and by coin flipped or "will toss" in order to see they do come heads or the side of cables upward to the upper part. See test Bernoulli; valid coin is determined in order to have a probability of heads (in parlance tests Bernoulli, "success") accurately 0.5. widely publicized by an example of asymmetrical coin will not produce "fair" it gives k in flip, will be Belgian one euro coin [ 3 ]. See also flipping coins. Coins are sometimes fal'sifitsirovany in order to make one side to weigh more, in order to imitate the valid type of coin which it is not actual it is valid. This coin is said to be "loaded."
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