Car (via the French car Greek, and Latin mobilis own move, which moves the car itself rather than to move another vehicle or animal) or car (usually shortened to a mere car) is wheeled passenger car carrying its own engines. Most definitions of the term to identify cars designed to run mainly on the roads, to be the one to sit for eight people, and usually have four wheels, and constructed as a basis for moving people rather than goods. [1], but the term is far from accurate because there are many types of vehicles that do similar functions. Car powered by a gasoline engine Otto built in Mannheim, Germany, Karl Benz in 1885 and was granted a patent in January of the following year under the auspices of the main company, Benz & cie. , Which was founded in in 1883. Although many other German engineers (including Gottlieb Daimler, Wilhelm maybach, Siegfried Marcus) were working on the problem at about the same time, Karl Benz is generally recognized as the inventor of the modern automobile. [5] in the Benz in 1879 granted a patent for his first engine, designed in 1878. Many of his other inventions made from the use of internal combustion engine feasible for the operation of a vehicle in 1896, Benz designed and registered the first internal combustion engine flat. Approximately 25 vehicles Benz built and sold before 1893, when the first four - Wheeler was introduced. Were powered with four stroke engines of his design. Emile Roger of France, already producing Benz engines under licence, and added that the car Benz's line of products. Because France was more open to cars in the early, more built and sold in France by Roger Benz sold in Germany. Daimler and maybach founded Daimler motoren Gesellschaft) Daimler Motor Company, dmg) in the cannstatt in 1890 under the commercial name, Daimler, sold the first car in 1892. By 1895 about 30 vehicles that had been built by Daimler and maybach, either in the works or Daimler Herman in the hotel, where they establish a shop after falling out with his supporters. Daimler Benz, and it appears that he is unaware of each work early and worked independently. Karl Benz proposed cooperation between Benz and dmg & cie. When economic conditions began to deteriorate in Germany after the First World War, but managers dmg refused to consider it is the beginning. Negotiations between the two companies resumed several years later in 1924 and had signed an agreement of mutual concern valid until in 2000. Each of the companies consolidated, design, production, procurement, sales, marketing and advertising - their automobile models common - although retaining all brands. June 28, 1926, Benz & cie. Finally, as Daimler merged dmg - Benz company, and the consolidation of all Mercedes Benz cars honoring the most important model for the dmg car maybach design referred to later in 1902 where the Mercedes car - 35hp, together with the name Benz. Carl Benz, and has been a board member Daimler - Benz until his death in 1929. Ford complex safety procedures - in particular, each worker assigned to a particular place rather than allowing them to roam and roam - dramatic decrease in the rate of infection. A combination of rising wages and high efficiency called "fordism," and the copies by most major industries. Efficiency gains from the assembly line also coincided with the taking off from the United States. Assembly line workers were forced to work in the frequency with very specific repeated requests that have led to more production per worker, while the other countries were using methods less productive. In the automotive industry, and its success is dominant, and quickly spread throughout the world. Ford Ford France and Britain in 1911, Greece 1923 Ford, Ford Germany 1925; in in 1921, was the first European nation Citroen manufactuer for adoption. Soon, the company has assembly lines, or the risk of going broke; by the year 1930, 250 companies that have not disappeared. [12] Since the twenties of the last century, almost all cars have been produced to meet the needs of wholesale market, and marketing plans so that often have a big impact on the design of cars. The Al Alfred Sloan, who established the idea of the different types of cars which are produced by a single company, so that the buyers that the "Move Up" where wealth improved. Reflect the rapid pace of change makes parts in common with each other so that the largest volume of production led to lower costs for each price range. For example, in the thirties of the last century, lasalles, Cadillac sold, and used cheaper mechanical parts made by the Oldsmobile; in the fifties, Chevrolet joint Hood, doors, roof, and windows with Pontiac; By the nineties, the joint ventures drivetrains and platforms (with mutual brakes, suspension and other parts) were common. Even so, but can carry high costs of the major manufacturers, and even contracts with production companies, such as apperson, Cole, Doris, Hynes, the Prime Minister could not manage: Some two hundred carmakers to exist in 1920, only 43 survive alive 1930, and with the Great Depression, by the year 1940, only 17 of them left. [13] Most cars today are used to pay by gasoline (also known as petrol) or diesel internal combustion engines, a known cause of air pollution, and also to blame contribute to climate change and global warming. [17] increase in the cost of oil-based fuel and tightening environmental law, and to impose restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions is paid to alternative energy systems for cars. Efforts to improve or replace these technologies include hybrid vehicles, electric cars and hydrogen vehicles. Diesel cars has long popular in Europe with the first models being introduced in the thirties by Mercedes Benz and Citroen. The main benefit of a 50% diesel fuel combustion efficiency compared with 27% [18] in the best gasoline engines. A negative side of the diesel fuel and exhaust gases in the presence of fine soot particles and manufacturers are now starting to benefit filters to remove these. Many of the diesel-powered cars can also operate with little or any modifications to 100% biodiesel. Gasoline engines have the advantage over diesel is lighter and able to work quickly and at the top of the rotation is normal for the selection of appropriate high-performance sports cars. Continued development of gasoline engines for more than a hundred years to improvements in efficiency and reduce pollution. Carburetor used almost all roads on automobile engines until the eighties of the last century, but it was long recognized for better control of the fuel / air mixture can be achieved with fuel injection. Direct fuel injection was first used in aircraft engines from 1909, in race cars and engines from the thirties, and the road from cars late fifties. [18] gasoline direct injection (GDI) is now begun appearing in the production of cars such as the BMW Mini 2007. Also cleaned up the exhaust gases through the installation of a catalytic converter in the exhaust system. Clean air legislation in many car manufacturers that have made the most significant markets for each of the stimuli and fuel injection, which is almost universally and fittings. The latest gasoline engines are also capable respectively with up to 15% ethanol in gasoline mixed - old cars might be seals and hoses, which can be affected by ethanol. With a small amount of redesign, and gasoline-powered cars that can run on high concentrations of ethanol 85%. 100% ethanol is used in some parts of the world (such as Brazil), but the vehicles must be started on pure gasoline and ethanol to shift more of a one-time operation is the engine. Most cars gasoline engines can also run on liquefied gas with the addition of a tear gas tank for storing fuel carburetion and amendments to add LPG mixer. LPG produces less toxic emissions and popular is the fuel of thorn lift trucks operating inside buildings. Ethanol and other fuels alcohol (biobutanol) and biogasoline have widely used fuel cars. Most alcohol has less energy per litre of petrol and usually blended with gasoline. Alcohol used for different reasons - to increase the octane to improve emissions and oil-based alternative fuel, because it can be made from agricultural crops. Brazil ethanol program provides about 20% of the fuel needs for cars Nations, including several million cars that operate on pure ethanol. Force steam, usually using hot oil or gas boiler, which was also in use, and even the thirties of the twentieth century, but the major obstacle that they were not able to force the car until the boiler pressure was available. It has the advantage of being able to produce very low emissions because the combustion process can be closely monitored. Disadvantages include poor heat efficiency and extensive requirements for electricity and his staff. [21] in the fifties, there was a brief interest in the use of gas turbines (the plane) and many makers engines including mobile phase and produces Chrysler models. Although units of energy being contracted very high fuel consumption, and delay in responding LED suffocating, and the lack of engine braking does not mean a production car. Rotary engines, "Whoever made the road with cars nsu RO 80 were seen later in citroën p birotor and several Mazda models. Despite the impressive soft, weak confidence and fuel economy led them to a large extent, too. Mazda, starting r100 then RX - 2, and the continued search for these engines, to overcome most of the problems earlier with the RX - 7 and RX - 8. Rocket car carrying record in drag racing. However, faster than the cars used to determine the speed of land registration, and payment is by aircraft propulsive emitted from missiles, jet aircraft, or in recent times, most successful engine turbo engine helicopters. Thrustssc the car using two rolls - Ruiz spey turbofans prepared with heating able to exceed the speed of sound at ground level. Many cars fundamental safety problems - for example, with human drivers, who can be committed errors, which could lose traction wheels when braking, and acceleration forces moved or very high, and the subject of mechanical systems to fail. Collisions can be very serious or fatal consequences. Some cars with high centre of gravity, thus increasing the tendency to deportation. Substantial reductions in deaths and injuries had come from the addition of safety belts and laws in many countries require vehicle occupants pregnancy. Airbags and specialized child restraint systems have improved on that. Structural changes, such as side-impact protection bars on the doors and side panels of the car to reduce the impact of the side effects of the car. Many cars now include radar or sonar to detect the residence to the rear of the car to warn the driver if he or she is about to reverse an obstacle or a pedestrian. Some car manufacturers are producing cars with instrumentation and proximity of obstacles and other vehicles in front of the car and used to apply these brakes when a collision is inevitable. There were also limited efforts to use the heads of follow-up presentations and thermal imaging technology similar to those used in military aircraft to provide the driver with the best presentation of the road at night. Despite the technological advances, there is still a significant loss of life from car accidents: about 40000 people die each year in the United States, with similar figures in the European Nations. This figure increases annually in step with the growing population and increased travel and if actions are not taken, but the per capita rate per mile traveled decrease steadily. The death toll is expected to double by the year 2020 throughout the world. Much higher than the number of accidents that lead to injury or permanent disability. The highest numbers of reported incidents in China and India. EU has a strict programme to reduce the number of deaths in half by 2010, Member States have started implementing measures. Similarly, the cost to society of the use of motor vehicles, which could include those from: road maintenance, pollution, public health, health care, and get rid of the car at the end of his life, and can be a balance between the value of the benefits that society generates use cars. Social benefits could include: the benefits of the economy, such as employment and wealth creation, the production of cars and maintenance, and provide transportation and community well-being and comfort derived from the travel opportunities, and generate income from taxes opportunities. Human ability to move quickly from one place to another has far-reaching implications for the nature of our society. People can live far from their workplaces, and the design of cities can determine the extent of the need to get the car into and out of the town where the nature of the buildings and public places within the city. [29]
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